
Showing posts from January, 2014

Snow Days at the Laho's

Thoughts of school tomorrow make me giddy. The Chiclets attended a total of eleven days of school since December 20th. But really who would count. I do love a snow day once or twice a year but five in three weeks? Crazy. (That's me, right now.) In case you haven't been outside in, um mm like three weeks, here is a photo of our back yard. Seriously it's been a good week. Lots of good reading instead of picking up after people. I finished a book called, "Riding the Bus with My Sister". Highly recommend it. I'm thinking it should be mandatory high school reading. Today, Caleb's friend Max saved my day. He occupied Caleb for several hours. I sort of felt like I should do laundry and menial work since I took a "snow day" the day before. I stopped to watch them play for a few minutes. I overheard, "How do you like your farts to sound?" followed up by an array of disgusting noises and proud laughter. I quickly retreated to my work. ...


Last month I flew to Charlotte to visit a friend. My father dropped me off at the airport about two hours before my plane departed. He must have been worried I wouldn't know what to do with a chunk of time. He kept suggesting things like, "When I'm waiting for my plane to depart I take a long walk, go get a bite to eat..." I needed no prompting as to how to utilize a break from life. I sent this pic to Jeff immediately upon settling in at my gate. He took the day off to handle the home front. Silence while sipping my coffee. Ahhh.     Next, I sent him this one. He responded, "I'm driving." Wasn't sure if this jargon meant he was jealous I was sitting at an airport reading uninterrupted or I was distracting him because he was driving . Definitely jealousy. Officially on my vacation, I disconnected. My phone off, I engaged in "light" reading, a memoir, about a woman who grew up with a drug addicted mother. I probably...