
Showing posts from May, 2020

Too Much

“We expect too much from people,” my mom said. These words are some of the last my mom spoke to me before she died from cancer. From diagnosis to death was a mere four months and I craved more words from her than these. I wanted her to cram in all the words that would cover every pain, every disappointment, and every question for all the days I would be without her. There were not enough words to meet my expectations. I expected to have my mom until she was very old, not until she was a young fifty-eight. We. Expect. Too. Much. Over twenty years later and these words prove to be more than enough. That little word too. It means over, more than enough, noting excess. If I expect someone to be there for me over what I can receive from God than it is too much. If I expect a friend to figure out my problems without seeking wisdom from the scriptures, then I have noted people in-excess of the Word. When I expect someone, anyone other than Jesus to give me...