
Showing posts from January, 2019

Peace, the Word of the Weeks

The meaning of the word peace is quiet, tranquility; freedom from disturbance. The root word of peace implies to stop or press. I’ve been spending a few weeks on the word peace . Last week I hurried to form my Word of the Week post and then stopped to say aloud, “It’s my word! I can take as long as I want pondering peace .” I mentioned to my friend Tara how funny it was that I tried to rush peace. She said, “Yeah, that’s sort of missing the point isn’t it?” Yes, it is! When I turn my Word of the Week card over (I don’t peak until it’s time to meditate on it), I am astounded how that word shows up all around me. I know I have turned up my awareness, but I also believe the Spirit unveils the word for me to have insight and application. This process is not to be rushed! Out of curiosity, I looked up in the bible to see how many times peace is mentioned. 429 times. Love is only mentioned 310 times. Is this because G...