
Showing posts from November, 2014

A Gift for a Caregiver

I constructed a bulky black binder filled with letters from doctors, test results, lists of medications, questions for medical professionals, and divided it neatly by tabs to keep order in my life. It followed me to every appointment I had with my baby, my severely multiply impaired baby. The binder held my tears and my sanity while granting me a sense of order during a chaotic period. I wish I would have had Jolene Philo's The Caregiver's Notebook: An Organizational Tool and Support  twenty years ago. My eclectic style binder did a decent job of holding the craziness of caring for a disabled child but Jolene's new book is an organizational idea on steroids.   I think the cover is absolutely lovely!   Jolene has thought of every detail of caregiving. It includes twelve sections concerning the care of a loved one, plus a section in the beginning instructing the best use of this tool. From medications to legal ...