God at Work
The day we came home from the hospital I praised God. I praise Him for healing Alisha in ways I never expected. I praise Him for reuniting us in our home sweet home. I praise His mighty works today as I look out the window seeing the tips of trees in different hues blending together in tandem. I praised Him while I ran in the crisp fall air... On Monday, Alisha attended school for the first time this school year. Again praise to God pounded in my heart. His work in Alisha not even close to complete. She, by His hand, is here and her classmates sang their own songs of joy when they saw her. Someone said they felt they were witnessing a miracle when they watched the video I posted on Facebook of the momentous occasion. Miracle. God at work. To give you a better glimpse to the miracle, picture this scene. Your loved one lies still, bluish skin puffed out well beyond where their bones lie making them almost unrecognizable. There are tubes shooting from every direction, ...