
Showing posts from March, 2013

The Good Run

Yesterday I went running. The last time I ran outdoors was in November before I developed a heel spur. I put on the new cold-gear my family bought me for Christmas along with my purple running shoes and I ran. The morning was crisp, the sun shined brighter than I'd seen it in a long time. My blood pumped quickly to warm me up. I ran. It seemed like I had never been away. But I had. I knew the morning sun had not been away either. I hadn't noticed it though. Yesterday morning I felt like the sun was in my world for the first time in a month. Too much weighed me down recently. The light seemed distant. As I ran, I felt renewed. Most of the circumstances were still present but as I ran I meditated on the significance of this Good day. All the things out of my control faded losing their power over me. Over hope. I thought about unexpected trials in my own story. The worst ones. The dark ones. They never gave a hint they were coming. You would think I would come to expect to...